On April 29 2023 was held IP Global Forum dedicated to the Intellectual Property Day. IP Global Forum was organised by Association of Intellectual Property Lawyers of Armenia. The association was founded by Annie Davtian, who is also CEO of the “LAWSUIT” LLC. Association was founded in 2021, and the main purpose of the association was to unite all lawyers who work or are interested in intellectual property to raise knowledge among lawyers in intellectual property law. In general, in industrialized/developed countries, intangible assets such as knowledge, information, creativity and invention are rapidly replacing traditional and tangible assets such as land, labor and capital. Intellectual property has indeed become a driving force for the health of the economy and public welfare today.
In pursuit of this goal, the forum was organised, which was about the relationship between new technologies and intellectual property. The forum was educational in its nature, and was also aimed at highlighting the issues arising in the field of intellectual property related to technological developments. During the forum, a number of discussions took place, which were dedicated to “IP, Metaverse and Blockchain,” “Conscious Copyright in Cyberinformation Society”, “”IP for IT”, also there was master class dedicated to “”Intellectual Property and Blogging” it was for bloggers and influencers. During the forum also took place panel discussions topics of which concerned “Why Armenia needs IP” and “Artificial “Intelligence as an Author”. Our CEO Annie Davtian was moderator in panel discussion dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence as an Author”.
Currently there has been a heated debate to whether the result generated by AI can be considered the object of intellectual property rights. And through panel discussion speakers tried to understand some conceptual questions related to AI and Intellectual property rights. During the discussion speakers discussed “what is AI”, “can AI be considered as an author or co-author”, also speakers discussed the latest phenomen, OpenAI’s “Chat GPT”, what is it, how does It work.
As a result of the moderator’s questions, the speakers engaged in an interesting discussion, and also discussed the impact that artificial intelligence can have on the field of legal services, as a result of which it was concluded that good professionals always will be in demand at all times.
Our companies managing partner Asia Hakobjanyan, lawyer Anna Khalatyan and junior lawyer Michelle Galstyan also participated in the forum in the as a member of the organisational committee. We are happy that there are so many lawyers that are interested in intellectual property and took place in the forum. Hoping to see you soon again in IP Global Forum 2024!!